Looking over this years blog entries, I asked myself who the hell am I & what am I writing about? Does it make any sense? Does it flow? What is my voice? What is my brand? "Enough is Enough" already... "I Am What I Am". Hmmm, sounds like very familiar songs! I write about things that are going on in my life or things that affect me. It started to make sense because after all, we're all a work in progress, right? It makes sense to me coz its coming from me, I just wanna help you understand where I'm coming from. You already know that I'm from NYC & am living in Suburbia now, right? Good!

In January, I wrote about Joplin, in February about Whitney, in March it was about my Mama meeting Liza, in April it was Barbra's 70th birthday & about me meeting her. Recently I explained to you that I write two blogs, (the other one is Dementia-Mama-Drama) about another strong lady in my life, my Mama who has Dementia & Leukemia. Oh, okay, so one theme is that I wrote about strong women. I've shared stories about my neurosis including how I don't like the "relaxing natural setting" of Suburbia & that I'm terrified of wildlife. I know I don't live in the jungle, but coming from the city, it IS wildlife to me! I shared my experience about being bullied in Suburbia & how it doesn't only happen to kids! I was also able to finally share my experience about living thru 9/11 in NYC. I was excited to be asked to be a guest blogger & interviewer at The Women's Power Strategy Conference (strong women once again) & wrote about it. This year I was published in a book commemorating Streisand's fifty years in show biz called "Barbra Memories". About time I was published, right? Well, that's who I was in 2012...
I'm one of those people who doesn't like to say "next year has gotta be better." Shit happens & great things happen - without one I may not be able to enjoy the other. It's all a balance, a Yin/Yang thing. I've learned a lot about myself within the last year & hope to learn even more next year, "That's Life." Oy another song reference, sorry. nyc2suburbia - whatta trip & whatta year! Thanks for taking the time to be part of my journey & letting me share it with you. I wish you a positively perfect 2013.
Thanks for visiting & please spread the word. "Follow" me already! Whaddya waitin' for?
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