March 20, 2016

A Comma Changed My Life ... It's All About Punctuation

I got back to Suburbia after being in NYC, and everyone kept asking me "Did you have fun"? "Did I have fun"? "Did I have fun"? Are you kidding me? That's like asking a fish if they like water? Yes I had "fun" but once again my trip to NYC was for a reason, not just a "fun" vacation. I was searching for an apartment again and continuing my social media work on a landmark preservation project, Save Gansevoort. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to apartment sit while friends were out of town for an extended period. I'm on a budget, and yes you can have "fun" on a budget in New York. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I know firsthand. I've always lived on a prayer and a shoestring - does anyone even use that term anymore?

I texted a friend and told him that I've been feeling down since returning "home" to Suburbia and losing two more apartment deals in NYC. Later I got a text back saying "...try to be positive - you are alive, pretty, healthy and not dying." The text made my day - I was called pretty and even from a friend who has seen me in the morning... before coffee! Later that day I reread the text. Shit! There wasn't a comma after pretty. I wasn't pretty. I was pretty healthy. Now I wasn't just pretty anymore. I guess I'm gonna have to pay even more attention to punctuation - Exclamation!

Did I have fun? Of course I had "fun". What the hell is life without fun. It comes natural to me, I can even have fun when I'm "pretty healthy" and not just "pretty". A comma can change your life, it's all about punctuation.... that's it - Period.

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