August 9, 2018

Freakin' Me Out

I'm never in a good mood after fasting and especially when I have to wake up early to get a blood test. After waiting what seemed like hours and fantasizing about pancakes, I finally went in to get my blood drawn. All of a sudden this hyper crazy woman burst into my exam room and started a manic monologue complaining loudly to the nurse and me... while the needle was in my arm!

I was surprised for a moment then blurted out "hey lady, what are ya doin'? You're FREAKIN' ME OUT right now." She looked at me as if I was crazy and returned to her exam room continuing her rant as the needle was still in my arm!

The phlebotomist thanked me profusely and apologized, explaining that this patient always behaves that way. She said "I wish there were more patients like you that spoke up. I have to be quiet and polite even when there's drama."

I went in for blood work, got freaked out, but rewarded myself with pancakes... "And that's nyc2vin."

Thanks 4 Checkin' Out nyc2vin
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July 18, 2018

Be Careful What You Wish

I learned the hard way... be careful of what you wish for.

For years I had a photo of a small cute white New York City apartment posted on my bulletin board while living in Suburbia. The magazine clipping was a visualization, an inspiration, a goal. All I dreamed of was my little white box back home. I wanna go home, there's no place like home. Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Crash bang and my technicolor musical fantasy made a loud thump back to black and white reality. I got my white box, but being back home didn't live up to my dreams. There were too many comprises and I wanted more!

It's always better to dream big and not limit yourself. Next time I dream, I've learned to be more specific... I want a very large, double alcove white box with a private garden, a great view, no board approval and a dishwasher, of course... "and that's nyc2vin".

Thanks 4 Checkin' Out nyc2vin
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January 10, 2018

And Then I Woke Up

I’m lying in bed tossing and turning trying to get comfortable and get some much needed sleep. As usual my mind was working overtime and I couldn’t fall asleep quickly.

I started to do my deep yoga breathing and other relaxation exercises I’ve learned over the years. I tried to clear my head and think of nothing which inevitably makes me start thinking of everything! I finally gave in and took an ambien and fell asleep within a few minutes.

The next morning I felt as if I had the best sleep of my life (or at least the last few years). My mind was clear and I felt focused without even having my morning coffee. Just as I was about to start my daily routine of slowly getting up and stretching, I had a strange but somewhat familiar feeling, I didn’t have any aches or pains. No negative thoughts, no anxiety... I felt "fit as a fiddle and ready for love". My mind was totally alert and my energy was pushing me out of bed. I couldn’t wait to start the day. Wow, this is great... anything is possible on this new day.

Then I heard a really loud annoying noise and didn't recognize it right away - it was the alarm clock! The euphoria was all just a dream as reality set in along with the aches, pains and groggy feeling of my morning. Damn that alarm clock... "and that's nyc2vin".

Thanks 4 Checkin' Out nyc2vin
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